Newspaper clippings on an orange background.
March 14, 2024 7:00 pm

Voices official welcome

About the event

The doors of the Stazione Leopolda will open for registration at 18:30 hours. Giovanni Melogli will kick off the evening by introducing Voices explaining the origin and purpose of the project. Right after, Iva Nenadic will guide us through the programme giving an idea of the variety of discussions and sessions that await in the two upcoming days.

These initial presentations will be followed by the institutional greetings that will mark the beginning of the first edition of the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy in Florence.



19:00 – 19:10 Introducing Voices and its programme

Giovanni Melogli | Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (EUI) / Voices

Iva Nenadić | Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (EUI) / Voices


19:10 – 19:30 Institutional greetings

Eugenio Giani | President, Regione Toscana – TBC

Dario Nardella | Mayor of Florence

Corinna Unger | European University Institute

Marie Frenay | European Commission

Sala Tiziano Terzani