Moria par delà l’enfer (Moria: Beyond Hell)
About the event
On the Greek island of Lesbos, Moria, the largest refugee camp in Europe, has turned into a filthy slum. As Europe enters lockdown, the refugees feel completely abandoned. Their frustration boils over, but nothing changes. They become the forgotten victims of the COVID-19 crisis.
This is the moment Father Maurice Joyeux and his journalist friend Mortaza Behboudi choose to return. Father Maurice, from the Jesuit Refugee Service, offers support and helps the people hold on to hope. He takes time to assess the situation, listen to the refugees’ stories, and quickly notices the hunger, thirst, and endless waiting in a climate of fear and insecurity. Supporting the people and standing by the active forces, they continue until a fire reduces this hell to ashes.
This documentary (2020) was filmed by Mortaza Behboudi.
2.4_Voices Cinema
Avenija Dubrovnik 17
10000, Zagreb Email: voices.festival@eui.eu