Ivana Perić Ivana Perić is a journalist working for the weekly newspaper Novosti. She is a member of the Croatian Journalists’ Union and the feminist collective fAKTIV. Photo credits: Jahvo Joža. Events Journalists in the classroom: media literacy workshop for journalists We did what we could, remember us Tech takeover? Or: on how Europe can save the world Let’s protect media freedom in Europe Get to know us: We are the future of media in Croatia Independent Fact-Checking—what is it good for? On disinformation – and on how we fight it The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent Roundtable discussion on media literacy and policymakers You still don’t know my name On the Frontline Don’t Come Back Equality Illusion Moria par delà l’enfer (Moria: Beyond Hell) Masters of the world: Europe vs. the Tech Giants Pod szarym niebem (Under the grey sky) Collective Connecting Voices Connecting Voices Musical media mingle by Radio 808 Shielding voices: how the EU is stopping legal intimidation Introducing the festival Media Literacy and policy makers. A roundtable discussion High-level interview: Shaping the future of media EU media regulation and how it (tragically) started Game over, democracy? How tech monopolies are destroying free media – and how to save democracy The social dilemma What are the mainstream media, and should we trust them? Tales of a hitchhiker. Can storytelling help reduce social polarisation? Cause of death: The border. A collective listening experience Journalism relevance — rebuilding trust with citizens Pub Quiz Extravanganza with Edna Sorgelsen Investigative journalism in Croatia and in the Balkans Raising digital natives: healthy habits for parents and kids Public Service Media for all — nurturing new perspectives and cultivating inclusivity Looking for harmony: digital well-being for the world and us Power and purpose: can Big Tech serve the common good? Artificial Intelligence: A double-edged sword for truth Reimagining local news with youth Newsrooms in action: Building effective response to online harassment A beginners guide to using AI in media storytelling Stories beyond borders: Collaborative journeys of investigative journalism A conversation across divides: effective ways to navigate polarised environments Empower your digital literacy: A workshop on digital information consumption Surviving the headlines: Emotional resilience for journalists Teaching media literacy — Workshop for students Teaching media literacy — Workshop for educators Countering foreign interference in the Western Balkans and beyond We are humans, hear our stories — Living Stories EU funding opportunities for journalism Media Literacy and AI Competences: Algowatch They blew her up Engaging new audiences: innovative journalism and new formats The click trap Voices for the planet: activists, scientists and the media in the climate crisis Awards Ceremony Local Media — Save local journalism Media Information Literacy making of: what does it take to succeed against all odds? Lorenzo Baglioni: Vi spiego l’Europa con una canzone News e Gen Z: c’è informazione oltre ai social? Presentazione di ‘La Scelta’, nuovo libro di Sigfrido Ranucci World media environment and multicivilizational literacy Field first aid Shaping narratives: religion, radicalisation and media. Based on the Min Ana documentary La macchina della verità. Training per insegnanti Artificial intelligence – Which skills do I need? Empowering parents in the digital age What does it take to become a journalist? A coffee with EJTA #AddYourVoice – environmental investigations and much more Social-linguistica. Conversazione con Vera Gheno A talk with DG MEME, Fabio Mauri – The European Union explained through memes I finanziamenti dell’UE (e non solo) per i professionisti dei media Voices official welcome Elections 2024: Empowered voters, stronger democracy Can we believe our own eyes? Steering clear from deep-fakes and visual misinformation Focus sul pluralismo dei media in Italia We are humans, hear our stories – Safety of journalists Behind the scenes of ‘The Mind Game’: How the documentary was made and why it matters Guardians of democracy: the crucial role of media freedom in the EU AI and journalism: navigating the intersection of economics, ethics, policy and democracy Living stories: our voices Preserving the pulse: addressing the crisis in local journalism L’arte di vivere nell’ambiente digitale. Media, Filosofia ed Etica Is journalism dead? Long live journalism Shaping narratives: responsible reporting on migration Raccontare i dintorni. Giornalismo locale tra cronaca e inchiesta Awards Ceremony | Media Literacy Awards Ceremony | Journalism The Mind Game Min Ana: A documentary on faith and radicalisation Io capitano Cybersecurity for journalists: Securing your digital world Fact or fake? How teachers can tackle disinformation in the classroom Corpi digitali in rivolta. Come costruire una campagna social Journalism and fact-checking: friends or foes? Educare al pensiero critico: come integrare l’intelligenza artificiale nella didattica Active exercise: fact-checking Inclusive interviewing