May the force be with you: Artificial Intelligence and (dis)information
About the event
This session will explore the many ways artificial intelligence can be both utilised and misused within our information ecosystem. By combining the insights of experienced, cautious voices with the fresh perspectives and open experimentation of young professionals, the discussion will offer a rich diversity of viewpoints on AI’s potential impact. Topics will include its influence on the integrity of information spaces, as well as the essential skills and safeguards needed to ensure citizens are informed rather than manipulated.
Divina Frau-Meigs | Savoir Devenir
Belén López Garrido | European Broadcasting Union
Letiția Pâscurcălăbe | Heidelberg University
Giovanni Spitale | University of Zurich
Discussion in English with interpretation in Croatian
Avenija Dubrovnik 17
10000, Zagreb Email: