Justin Kings
Justin Kings has over 30 years of experience working in commercial and public service media. He is currently Head of the EBU Academy supporting learning for EBU Members and other m
Tiko Tsomaia
Tiko Tsomaia (MD, PhD) is a professor of journalism and communication at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs in Tbilisi. Her extensive career spans education, journalism, comm
Claudio Mazzetti
Claudio Mazzetti is the Coordinator for Development at the European University Institute, where he acts as a subject matter expert for fundraising and development with particular e
Renate Schroeder
Renate Schroeder is the Director of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in 1993 she joined the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and since 2003 she has worked
Giovanni Melogli
Giovanni Melogli is the Coordinator of the Voices. He is also promoter and spokesperson of the European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism, and President of the Interna
Rossella Vignola
Rossella Vignola is Project Manager and fundraiser at Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT). She has coordinated and assisted several EU projects in different fields (med
Georgine Kellermann
Georgine Kellermann, born Georg Kellermann in 1957 in Ratingen, became editor of the newly launched ARD morning magazine in 1992 and reported as a correspondent from Washington and
Ivana Dragičević
Ivana Dragičević is award-winning journalist, currently editor-at-large at N1 Television, and an exclusive CNN affiliate for the Adria-Balkans Region. Ivana is also a member of t
Letitia Parcalabescu
Letitia has an academic background in Physics, Computer Science, and a PhD in Computational Linguistics. She currently conducts AI research at Aleph Alpha building and training int
Divina Frau-Meigs
Divina Frau-Meigs is a Professor of media and information and communications technology sociology at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France. She holds several degrees from the S