The safety of journalists is becoming increasingly important in recent years, with more journalists facing threats, harassment and injuries in relation to their daily work.
Who is responsible for the health and safety of journalists?
While some threats require a broader political and cultural change among multi-stakeholders, others can be mitigated by individual journalists and media organisations. Therefore, the European Federation of Journalists developed this online course to equip individual journalists to enhance their personal capacities to asses media-associated risks and provide them with practical tools to mitigate those risks.
Throughout the course, you will learn about risks associated to your assignment, how to assess risks using available tools and how to apply countermeasures and rapid responses to mitigate risks. The course will prepare you to use the risk assessment tool in any situation, including covering demonstrations, during assignment/fieldwork in hostile environments or when conducting investigative reporting, etc. We advise you to consult the e-book, which contains additional resources, as you go through your training.
This online course is supported by Media Freedom Rapid Response and the Cross-Border Local, funded by the European Commission.
This video gathers different testimonials from journalists facing dangers when doing their job.
This reports reveals a serious lack of training and awareness, as journalists face increasing threats and intimidation in the course of their