Guardians of democracy: the crucial role of media freedom in the EU
From safeguarding transparency and accountability to fostering informed public discourse, the media serves as a watchdog, holding those in power to account and empowering citizens
AI and journalism: navigating the intersection of economics, ethics, policy and democracy
How is the integration of AI tools in journalism practices transforming news search, production, and dissemination? How is it impacting professional ethics, journalist responsibili
Preserving the pulse: addressing the crisis in local journalism
In communities large and small, the heartbeat of democracy thrives through local journalism. However, as traditional local outlets face unprecedented challenges, some communities f
L’arte di vivere nell’ambiente digitale. Media, Filosofia ed Etica
Siamo distratti da ciò che più conta? Siamo liberi cittadini, consumatori ed elettori o veniamo manipolati? Abbiamo davvero il controllo sui nostri dispositivi? I social media po
Is journalism dead? Long live journalism
Traditional news media face a sustainability crisis due to increased competition in digital advertising and consumer reluctance to pay for online news. This shift undermines a cent
Shaping narratives: responsible reporting on migration
This panel will discuss the critical importance of responsible reporting on migration. We will explore the multifaceted dimensions of migration reporting, examining how narratives
Raccontare i dintorni. Giornalismo locale tra cronaca e inchiesta
Un dialogo tra testate locali e giornalisti d’inchiesta per evidenziare differenze e punti d’incontro tra cronaca locale e giornalismo investigativo. Raffaele Angius | I
Journalism and fact-checking: friends or foes?
In a world of disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda, how can we trust what we read and hear? How do journalists verify their sources and facts before publishing their stor