News e Gen Z: c’è informazione oltre ai social?
La tendenza è inequivocabile: i giovani si informano principalmente attraverso i social media. Ma cosa intendono i giovani per informazione? Le notizie sono ancora ciò che si “
Presentazione di ‘La Scelta’, nuovo libro di Sigfrido Ranucci
Sigfrido Ranucci è uno di quegli uomini che coincidono in modo assoluto con il lavoro che si sono scelti. In questo libro racconta il suo cammino personale legato a doppio filo co
World media environment and multicivilizational literacy
The world media is increasingly broadened by new international media actors but is continuously dominated by the Western approach. The demands of independent and critical media cha
Field first aid
Fieldwork across the globe isn’t getting any safer, emphasizing the critical need for journalists to recognise, respond, and intervene effectively in traumatic emergencies. L
Shaping narratives: religion, radicalisation and media. Based on the Min Ana documentary
This panel will discuss the critical importance of responsible reporting on themes such as religion and radicalisation following the screening of the ‘Min Ana’ document
La macchina della verità. Training per insegnanti
“La macchina della verità” è un workshop coinvolgente e informativo progettato per insegnanti, educatori e pedagogisti ed organizzato dall’organizzazione non pr
Artificial intelligence – Which skills do I need?
This session will explore the relationship between the fast development of AI applications affecting people’s lives and the competencies that they need to acquire to benefit from
Empowering parents in the digital age
While the digital world offers many possibilities for children to learn, create, and express themselves in many new ways, in our experience parents seemed to be more aware of the d
What does it take to become a journalist? A coffee with EJTA
What do you need to acquire (knowledge, skills, attitudes) to become a good journalist? Check with the EJTA competencies framework for students of Journalism: the Tartu Declaration
#AddYourVoice – environmental investigations and much more
Join us in this open conversation where journalists and other participants are given a chance to stand centre stage and voice their professional practices, proposals, and concerns.
Social-linguistica. Conversazione con Vera Gheno
Una discussione sul linguaggio dei media, sul modo in cui il linguaggio si è evoluto e adattato all’era dei social media, sulle dinamiche delle interazioni online. Vera Ghen
A talk with DG MEME, Fabio Mauri – The European Union explained through memes
DG MEME is a satirical social account that playfully chastises the behaviors of the European bubble: the Satire and Meme Directorate makes the surreal world of Brussels institution