Ramona Strugariu

Ramona Strugariu is a Member of the European Parliament elected in Romania in 2019 and affiliated to the Renew Europe Group. She is a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home affairs and a substitute in the Committee on Budgetary Control, as well as a Vice-chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Association Parliamentary Committee. She studied Law at the University ‘Al. I. Cuza’ from Iași, Romania, where she also obtained her Master’s degree in European Law.

After working as a legal adviser and playing an active role in civil society organisations, Ramona came to Brussels where she worked as an adviser in the European Parliament for several years. She has been a strong advocate for the freedom of the press and has negotiated key files in this area such as the Anti-SLAPP Directive and the European Media Freedom Act Regulation in her capacity as LIBE rapporteur.
